[feedzy-rss feeds=”https://pencilforchange.com/human-being/” offset=”0″ feed_title=”yes” refresh=”12_hours” error_empty=”Businesses should plan how they will operate in an environment where intensive contact tracing would be needed post-lockdown, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said today. The Government was working on additional guidance for the move to Level 3 to aid that, she said. “What I would ask though is that it’s not Government alone that has a role to play in that. “I ask all businesses to look at the alert level framework, think about how your business could successfully operate within each,” she said. “We will need to, for many months to come, contact trace all New Zealanders who come into contact with one another and workplaces have a role to play in that.”” lazy=”no” title=”publish and research today” meta=”author, date, time” multiple_meta=”source” summary=”yes” default=”https://pencilforchange.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/orangutans-1586007983-1.jpg” http=”default” ]” summary=”yes” summarylength=”Ardern says the role of planning for moving out of lockdown is not the Government’s alone” default=”https://pencilforchange.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/orangutans-1586007983-1.jpg” ]